Security Questions every Homeowner needs to ask –

DOORS Are all exterior entryway doors solid wood or steel? The front door has a peephole or modern smart doorbell? All exterior entryway doors have deadbolt locks with minimum 1-inch penetration of door jam? All exterior entryway doors have strike plates securely fastened with a minimum of 3-inch screws? All sliding doors secured with rods, […]
The Ten Commandments of Self Defense by The Self Defense Company

The Ten Commandments of Self Defense Commandment #1: Your Attacker is Armed. Even though you may not see a weapon, that doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist. Martial arts train you to master different techniques for weapon attacks and another set of procedures for unarmed attacks. While in THEORY, this sounds like a good idea, in […]
Best .454 Casull revolver? by Jason Hanson

Dick Casull passed away in 2018… But yesterday would have been his birthday. Casull is most famous for developing the .454 cartridge. It’s one of the most powerful handgun rounds in the world. It has about 75% more recoil energy than a .44 Magnum round. If you were looking for around to stop bears, this […]
Lyft driver stops two carjackers (one armed with shotgun) by Janson Hanson

A Lyft driver in Philadelphia minded his own business while driving to the next person he would pick up… When suddenly, his vehicle was hit from behind. The Lyft driver got out of his car to see the damage, and two guys hopped out of the car that rear-ended him. One of the guys had […]
3 rifle doodads you need for home and property defense by Jason Hanson

Do you suffer from Rifle Envy? I’m not ashamed to admit that sometimes I do. I’ll have a customer come to a shooting course that looks like a cross between Robocop and Rambo. They’ll have thousands of dollars worth of contraptions on their AR and a chest rig full of 30-round magazines prepared to take […]
How to Prepare for Nationwide Cyber Terror

In early June 2021, millions woke to a massive internet blackout as countless websites across the world went completely dark, including Amazon, CNN, and even the U.K. government. The source of the outage was traced back to U.S.-based content delivery company Fastly. In a statement to the press, a Fastly representative described the outage as […]
Attorney Question of the Month – Armed Citizen Legal Defense Network

This month our Network President Marty Hayes has asked us to explore the legal responsibilities of parents who fail to secure guns that are subsequently used in tragedies like the Oxford High School killings and injuries. Of course, the laws vary a lot from state to state, as does how strictly laws on the books […]
Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution- Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network
Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution By Myron Magnet Encounter Books 2019-05 ISBN-13: 978-1641770521 $13.63 on 168 pages, hardcover; $12.95 eBook Reviewed by Gila Hayes United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas’s opinions on the gun-free school zone fight in United States v. Lopez. And whether the Second Amendment applies to laws passed by local […]
A knife + 4 men + home invasion Jason Hanson – Black Bag Confidential

You know I believe that the best weapon to protect yourself is a gun… If someone is trying to smash through my front door in the middle of the night, I want a pistol, shotgun, or AR-15. But sometimes, home invasions happen so fast that you can’t get to your gun. Maybe the home invasion […]
Ted Budd is the Second Amendment Champion North Carolina Deserves ( from Gun Owners of America)

Gun owners in the Tar Heel State deserve a Second Amendment Champion in the US Senate. Congressman Ted Budd has proven himself to be that champion. He’s cosponsored legislation to remove short-barreled rifles and shotguns, as well as suppressors, from the National Firearms Act. He’s also supported concealed carry reciprocity and an almost endless list […]