Be able to readily access weapons- or why have them?

Helping someone shore up their home defense measures, a story from childhood pops into the old conscious. One night, there was a bunch of noise coming from our back door. It was deafening, and it woke up most of the family. Dad started turning on all the lights in the house, and suddenly, the noise […]


The average safety-driven person might think a legal weapon is all the protection needed. If that is where the personal preparedness journey starts and ends, then failure is all we can report for the loved ones. While being able to stop a threat is essential, self-defense can prove fruitless if no quality education and training are behind […]

All shooting starts with the Grip- pros and cons of Stippling your pistol

If firing a weapon, and the gun slips from the hands, let it fall to the ground. Never try to catch the gun midair because it could end badly if a shooter grabs the trigger. Alternatively, learn this lesson the hard way. One afternoon, a friend, Fred, was showing his friends his new Kimber pistol. […]

Go Old School: Don’t forget the paper maps-

Has your GPS took you to the wrong place? I’m pretty sure it’s happened to all of us. I remember that funny commercial from a few years ago, where the GPS tells the guy to turn right, and he turns into a building, crashing into it. Or maybe you’re out in the middle of nowhere, […]

Avoidance is the first line of self-defense – every time!

An older driver is on a road trip- While we travel from city to city on planes, trains, and automobiles, sometimes concealed carry is not allowed, but concealed carry is allowed in other places. Plus, since we are puddle-jumping around, not wanting to take the chance of the airline losing bags, which (surprise, surprise) has […]


BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation is applauding a ruling by a Boulder, Colorado District Judge striking down a Boulder city ordinance that outlawed possession, sale, or transfers semi-automatic sporting rifles and magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. “This wasn’t our case,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, […]

The four rules of a violent attack by Master Peter Brusso (conclusion)

In conclusion, using some form of distraction and confusion allows you to close the distance to a vital target is crucial in surviving a violent attack.  Mentally, what it does is it gives you something to think about rather than being frightened.  It also puts you in a great position to defend yourself if the need arises. […]

The four rules of a violent attack by Master Peter Brusso (part 5)

For example, you could hold your hands up and talk to the attacker about your fingers or something as you close the distance, confusing the attacker while all the time your fingers are getting closer to their eyes so you can attack their eyes.  You might move closer so that your hands, feet, and head are […]

The four rules of a violent attack (part 4) by Master Peter Brusso

Rule number four; is the violent attack.  Many martial artists or even self-defense instructors would tell you to get into a fighting stance to defend yourself.  I, on the other hand, am going to suggest something to off-balance your opponent altogether.  Few people can actually get into a fighting stance and go toe-to-toe with an attacker.  The result is […]