North Carolina Perspective on Using Deadly Force to defend Private Property

The use of deadly force in defense of private property is a subject of ongoing legal and ethical debate in the United States. In North Carolina, the law is quite clear on this matter, reflecting a general principle that values human life over property. The North Carolina Perspective In North Carolina, the use of deadly […]

The Roman view on self-defense and private ownership of weapons

The Romans, renowned for their military prowess and discipline, epitomized a nation at arms. From an early age, Roman citizens were imbued with a sense of duty towards military service, and this ethos was deeply embedded in their society and legal structures. In ancient Rome, military service was a duty and a rite of passage […]

Use of Force, the Stairway Concept

The concept of “appropriate use of force” is a guideline for responding to an attack or threat with a proportional and defensive force level. This concept is often visualized as a stairway, where different steps represent escalating levels of force, starting from minimal at the bottom to deadly at the top. The fundamental principles include: […]

What can the Ancient Greeks teach gunowners about self-defense?

The ancient Greeks, renowned for their profound contributions to philosophy, politics, and ethics, held distinct views on self-defense that continue to resonate in the 21st century. In the diverse city-states of ancient Greece, self-defense was intricately tied to personal honor and civic duty ideals. Contrary to the notion of separating arms from citizens, many Greek […]

What to do if you get pulled over while carrying concealed

When carrying a concealed pistol or revolver in North Carolina with a valid concealed carry permit, it’s crucial to understand how to interact with law enforcement if pulled over. Firstly, stay calm and always keep your hands visible, preferably on the steering wheel. Inform the officer immediately that you have a concealed carry permit and […]

Economic hardship, Crime and Personal Security

The escalating inability of consumers to meet their financial obligations, such as credit card debts, car payments, and mortgage commitments, points to a deepening economic crisis that extends beyond a mere recession. This situation is not just a matter of temporary financial hardship but a symptom of a broader economic malaise. Firstly, the rising default […]

Applying the “72-hour rule” after a self-defense incident

In the aftermath of a self-defense shooting, understanding and applying the “72-Hour Rule” can be crucial for those involved. This guideline, though not a formal legal requirement, emphasizes the importance of waiting for at least 72 hours before giving a detailed statement to law enforcement. This waiting period’s rationale is rooted in psychological and legal […]

The Crab Pot Culture- Bobcats in Northeastern North Carolina: Risks and Interactions with Humans

Bobcats, known scientifically as Lynx rufus, are elusive medium-sized carnivores native to North America. While they are widespread across the U.S., Northeastern North Carolina offers a secretive refuge for these creatures. The forests, swamps, and fields in the region create the perfect habitat for them. Here, they predominantly hunt rabbits, rodents, birds, and occasionally deer. […]

Psychology of a post-incident shooting

Regardless of the circumstances, the aftermath of a shooting incident can have profound psychological implications for those involved. Immediately after the incident, individuals might experience acute stress reactions, including heightened arousal, hyper-vigilance, intrusive thoughts, or even disassociation, where they might feel detached from themselves or their surroundings. Over time, some individuals may develop post-traumatic stress […]