Escaping from the Trunk of a Vehicle While Tied Up

Being trapped in the trunk of a vehicle, especially while tied up, is an alarming scenario that we hope no one ever has to face. However, knowing what to do in such situations could be life-saving. If you ever find yourself in this terrifying situation, take a deep breath and follow the guidelines below. 1. […]

What Gun Owners Need to Know When a State of Emergency is Declared

In the face of natural disasters, civil unrest, and other significant events, states might declare a “state of emergency.” This can be a particularly challenging time for gun owners, as these declarations can directly or indirectly affect your rights and responsibilities. This article provides an overview of what you need to know if you’re a […]

3 Ways Booby-Traps Can Backfire on You at Home – Legally

Home security is a concern for many, and the instinct to protect one’s family and property is substantial. While movies and TV shows may make booby traps seem clever to outsmart intruders, such real-life tactics can have severe legal and ethical consequences. In this article, we’ll explore three reasons why booby traps can backfire legally […]

The Right to Bear Arms in North Carolina Banks: Understanding the Law and Responsibilities

Like many other states in the United States, North Carolina upholds the Second Amendment of the Constitution, granting citizens the right to bear arms. However, this right has limitations, especially regarding certain premises such as banks. In North Carolina, while there is no specific law prohibiting the possession of firearms in banks, there are guidelines […]

Training as a Concealed Carry Licensee: A Journey, Not an Event

Becoming a concealed carry licensee is not simply a one-time event but a journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and continuous improvement. The journey begins with acquiring fundamental skills, understanding the importance of these foundations, and retaining them until they become second nature. Moreover, it extends beyond the pistol range, encompassing a vigilant awareness of the […]

Rebluing a Handgun: Restoring Aesthetics and Preserving Functionality

Whether used for self-defence, sport shooting, or collecting, handguns are valuable tools that deserve proper care and maintenance. Over time, the finish on a handgun may begin to deteriorate, affecting its appearance and potentially even its functionality. Rebluing, a process of refinishing the firearm’s surface, offers a solution to restore the handgun’s original lustre while […]

Strengthening Your Home Defense: Training for Nighttime Intrusions

Safety and security are paramount concerns for homeowners, and the thought of someone breaking into your home during the dark hours can be particularly unnerving. While predicting or preventing every unfortunate event is impossible, taking proactive measures and preparing yourself can significantly enhance your ability to handle such situations. This article guides training yourself for […]