Go Old School: Don’t forget the paper maps-

Has your GPS took you to the wrong place?

I’m pretty sure it’s happened to all of us.

I remember that funny commercial from a few years ago, where the GPS tells the guy to turn right, and he turns into a building, crashing into it.

Or maybe you’re out in the middle of nowhere, and you can’t get a signal on your phone, so the directions don’t work.

Either way, these instances are likely accidents and not malicious.

The problem with GPS is that it’s vulnerable to hacking by our adversaries (China, Russia, etc.)

So, the Department of Defense has been looking for a more secure backup to GPS.

One improved technology still in the testing phase is called eLoran.

It is a navigation system that’s low frequency and transmitted by terrestrial towers.

Without boring you to death, it’s shown to be more secure and more “hackproof” than GPS.

The thing is, unlike the military, you and I don’t have to worry about Iran hacking our GPS while we’re trying to find the nearest Cracker Barrel (I love that place.)


We do have to worry about a crisis where GPS goes down.

Think about being trapped off in some city with riots and looting, and you need to know the best escape route?

Or you need to flee your area because of a natural disaster, and you want to know the best back roads?

If you only rely on GPS; you could be up the creek without a paddle.

I highly encourage you to have one of the most important yet “unsexy.” survival items: The paper map.

In my vehicle and my bug-out bags, I have a paper map of my state and a map of the entire United States.

My map of the US is laminated and durable. My state map is just a regular one I got at a gas station.

It has been a long time since I’ve had to rely on my paper map, but I was certainly glad I had it.

So, pick up some paper maps this week if you don’t have any handy.

Train Safe – Train Honestly

Source: Jason Hanson


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